Kotlin pre-pre-pre alpha survival guide

Jetbrains recently open-sourced Kotlin, so you may want to take it for a quick spin. Here are a few tips and workarounds. I worked with Kotlin last few weeks as volunteer tester, I am not connected with Jetbrains.

First keep on mind that this is very early version. It is usable for learning, but have lot of sharp edges and bugs. And Jetbrains are moving at light speed so it is probably worth to wait couple of months for more stable version.

Setting up

You will need an early build of Idea 11.1, grab it here. Then download plugin snapshot from github. From Settings/Plugins use 'Install plugin from disk...' button. Kotlin does not have special nature (as Scala), you will be able to create Kotlin 'kt' file directly on any Java project.

More about setting up in official announcemenent

What works, what does not

What works

What semi works

What does not work

My overall impression is that Jetrains concentrated on a few critical parts and done those well, some other parts are in progress or missing. IDE is superb for this early stage. Typing system and nullability are working well. And overall it fails very predictable, and is easy to find problematic parts of code.

Source code to study

I assume you read Confluence and played with webdemo. Next level is to study stdlib unit tests, it captures current state of language. So you wont waste time with not-yet-implemented features.


I was mostly experimenting with collections methods. Kotlin brings functional collections similar to Scala. It is implemented as a few extension methods on top of Java Collection Framework. So it is pretty lightweight. There is no immutability yet, preferred collection is array or ArrayList. Relevant unit tests is here.

Type inference is not yet as good as in Scala, but this will improve. So it sometimes needs little hint. For example map, please note <String,Int>

fun main(args : Array<String>) {
        val o = array("aa","bb")
    //this fails
    //val o2 = o.map{it.length()}
    //this works
    val o2 = o.map<String,Int>{it.length()}


Also nullability can be a bitch:

fun main(args : Array<String>) {
        val o = "aa,bb,cc".split(",").sure()
        //this fails
    //val o2 = o.map<String,Int>{it.length()}
    //this works
    val o2 = o.map<String?,Int>{it.sure().length()}



I would always suggest to look at relevant test if you run into problem. And sometimes it is just easier to use for loop.

Fun with runnables

I tried to implement Runnable and Callable wrapper for closure. I started with class which implements interface and takes closure as constructor parameter. But I found yet another compiler error and started digging into test cases. Workable solution was this:

fun runnable(val block:() -> Unit) = object: Runnable{
        override fun run(){

fun callable<E>(private val block:()->E) = object: java.util.concurrent.Callable<E>{
    override fun call():E = block()

Unit tests

I use JUnit 3. Minimal test looks like this:

import std.*
import std.io.*
import std.util.*

import junit.framework.Assert.* //to get assert* methods
import junit.framework.TestCase

class ResourceMapTest() : TestCase(){

    fun testAA(){

It is step down from Scala with its '===' operator. But I actually like it, it keeps tests simple and easy to debug.

Not sure if it is general error, but my Idea could not run unit tests. Classes were compiled into 'out/production' folder and test runner could not find them. Workaround is to use text runner:

 junit.textui.TestRunner our.TestCase


After couple of evenings I ported small application from Scala to Kotlin. I spend about 50% time trying to workaround compiler bugs. I could easily reduce this time by using less advanced construct (for-loop instead of Collection.map).

Kotlin IDE is fantastic (given current state). Compiler works good in core areas. I would not yet recommend using Kotlin for pet-project at current state (unless you want to do testing). But for learning code snippets it is great.

Last modification: May 24 2012

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