MapDB 1.0 will be released in January

If you follow me on Github, you may have noticed I started preparations for 1.0 release. Some features were moved after 1.0, a long manual is slowly growing and number of remaining TODOs is shrinking fast.

So I am happy to announce that everything is on track for MapDB 1.0 to be released on January 2014. There will be two releases before that: 0.9.8 will be beta with frozen API and store format. 0.9.9 will be release candidate without some documentation. There will be 4 week period between all releases.

I left behind some features which I do not think are crucial for 1.0 release. Those should be implemented in 1.x releases:


My savings are shrinking, so I will have to figure out business model and monetize MapDB somehow. Short term priority is massive user base, which I might convert into support contracts and consulting services.

BTW: I will be available for hire in a few weeks. Drop me a line if you like MapDB and want some help.

There are some improvements which I will (probably) do in future for free. I have a lot of ideas, but those require investment beyond my current capability. So I have to figure out finances before MapDB moves significantly beyond 1.0 release.

There are ways which would allow me to continue on MapDB full time (kickstarter, funding, donations). Slower option is to provide consulting and work on MapDB part-time. And the third option is to sell enhanced commercial version. In any case I factored planned improvements into current design, so there should be no breaking changes in the future.

Future plans

.NET port

CLI platform is similar to Java. It has locks and memory mapped files. So MapDB port to CLI should be straightforward job.

Master-slave replication

Replication with single writer and multiple replicas. Master could be swapped while running. Pretty much similar to Redis or Mysql replication.

Parallel collections (fork-join)

MapDB collection are huge So it would be good to parallelize collections operations . There is similar framework in Scala. Also Java8 brings Parallel Stream so MapDB would just implement API included in JRE.

This would include:

Stream implementation for Map-Reduce

Map-reduce jobs running on replicas. There are some similarities between fork-join and map-reduce, and no other DB provides seamless migration between those two. User could upgrade from single threaded to parallel or clustered implementation without changing API, all would implement Parallel Streams which are part of JRE.

Complete rewrite MapDB into Scala and Java 8

Right now MapDB uses simple composite locking. It is great, but probably does not scale beyond 8 cores. Concurrent library in Java 8 brings number of improvements (locks, collections..). Also Java is not best language for writing complex concurrent code.

So I think complete rewrite in Scala (or Kotlin) and Java8 would push MapDB to utilize 32+ cores.

Asynchronous version

Asynchronous web containers replaces threads with reactive programming based on futures or actors. Async web container usually handles huge number of parallel connections.

But those webservers usually serve data from memory. Using db is hard since threads are not available, and DB can not execute blocking operations such as read or write. MapDB could be rewritten to use futures on top of AsynchronousFileChannel. First read-only milestone should be simple.

Last modification: November 06 2013

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